Configure Video Conference Capabilities
You can configure video conferencing capabilities so Everyday Users can book video conference meetings in EMS Web App or EMS for Outlook.
- Configure Video Conference Room Features
- Configure Video Conference Services (Categories and Resources)
- Configure Rooms with Video Conference Equipment
- Configure Override Rooms
- Configure Event Types
- Configure a Video Conference Booking Template
- Configure Notifications and Reports
Configuring Video Conference Room Features
A feature is a built-in or permanent attribute of a room, such as a network connection, a built-in plasma TV, window, and so on. Your users can use features as criteria when they are searching for a room. They can also filter the available rooms that can be reserved for an event by room features. After you configure different room features for your organization, you must indicate which rooms have these features.
Configure Room Features in EMS Desktop Client to reflect your video conferencing equipment options, such as a projector or a webcam. For detailed instructions, see Configure Features.
Select Tied to Resource when configuring a video conference Feature.
This links the room to video conferencing equipment and services and streamlines the booking process. If you want EMS Web App users to see this feature when they are searching for available space, leave Available to Everyday Users selected.
- Associate the features with Rooms (on the Features tab for Room Configuration). Move the feature from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Do not select the Maintain Inventory option when you are configuring this resource.
Configure Video Conference Services (Categories and Resources)
Configure several service categories to represent additional services to be performed for the video conference, such as A/V Setup, and a Mobile Video Conference Cart.
- Configure a category for video conferencing services.
- Configure resources and services within the Category for equipment, setup, tear down, etc. Depending on your organization, you might need to configure two types of video conferencing resources for the category that you just created:
Built-in video conferencing equipment, such as a Built-in Video Conference Equipment. Do not select Maintain Inventory.
A Mobile Video Conferencing Cart. Be sure to select Maintain Inventory, plus a value in Quantity Available.
You can use the Room Configuration Wizard to mass-assign a feature to multiple rooms in a single step. You can also set the Status for these services to Request if your organization requires approvals.
Configure a Video Conference Booking Template
Learn how to Configure an Everyday User Process Template and use the example below.
Video conferences are typically reserved in EMS Web App due to its streamlined permissions management and ease of use (especially the Calendar view). If you have a significant number of users who book video conferences in EMS Desktop Client, especially if they have limited access and might be uncomfortable using the more expert users' booking process, you might want to create a video conference template for the Reservation Wizard. Learn how to Configure Reservation Wizard templates.
Set the Mode to Self Serve and ensure the Video Conference option is selected for the template.
If your organization requires such meetings to be approved, use Requested Request Status.
- On the Categories tab, move Categories (Resources and Services) for setup, teardown, equipment, and so forth, into the Selected pane.
- On the Rooms tab, move Rooms to the Selected pane. If your organization requires video conference-equipped rooms to go through an approval process, use the Request pane on the lower right.

Users will be able to change configuration and start and end time defaults that would normally come from the room definition, to accommodate extra video conferencing equipment and services.
- On the Event Types tab, move Event Types to the Selected pane.
- On the Video Conference tab, select the video conferencing feature you defined in Step 1.
- On the remaining tabs, complete details and then click OK.
Configure Notifications and Reports
To set how and when users are notified about the meeting and any changes to it (such as equipment and service requests that move through the approval process), Configure Notification Rules.
We recommend Notification Rules if you integrate with CISCO TMS.
The most common report run on video conferences is the Setup Worksheet report, set to automatically run daily or weekly, and deliver to stakeholders' email.