Export Pricing Information for a Resource
You can export pricing information that you configured for a resource on a per rate schedule basis from the Edit Pricing window. The information is exported to a Microsoft Excel file.
You don't need Microsoft Excel on your EMS client to export the information to the file. You must have Microsoft Excel on your EMS client to view the file. You can also export the pricing information for rooms and billable items after you have configured the information for the room or resource. See also: Export Pricing Information for a Room and Export Pricing Information for Billable Items.

After you define your organization’s rate schedules, you have three options for manually assigning the prices to billable items (rooms and resources) based on these schedules:
- During the configuration of a room or resource. When you are configuring a room or resource, the configuration dialog contains a Pricing tab. This tab lists all the rate schedules that are currently configured in your EMS database. You can specify the pricing method for the billable item that you are configuring for each rate schedule. You can also specify a discount percentage for the item, a minimum charge for the item, a maximum charge for the item, or any combination of these options.
- After all necessary rooms and resources are configured. The Rooms and the Resources windows include a Pricing button. Click Pricing to open an Edit Pricing window. Use the options to specify the pricing method for the billable items (rooms and resources) for a selected rate schedule. You can also specify a discount percentage for the item, a minimum charge for the item, a maximum charge for the item, or any combination of these options.
- When rate schedules are defined. The Rate Schedules window has a Pricing button. After you have defined a rate schedule, you can select a rate schedule in the Rate Schedules window and click Pricing to open an Edit Pricing window. You can use the options on this window to specify the pricing method for every billable item for the rate schedule. You can also specify a discount percentage for the item, a minimum charge for the item, a maximum charge for the item, or any combination of these options.
To export pricing information for a resource:
- On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Resources.
A list of categories configured in your EMS database and for which you can configure resources opens.
- Select the category.
The Resources window opens. This window lists all of the resources that are currently configured in your EMS database for the selected category with an Active status.
- On the Resources window, click Pricing.
The Edit Pricing window opens.
- In Rate Schedule, select the rate schedule for which you are exporting the pricing information.
- In Grouping, do one of the following:
- Leave Grouping set to the default value of (all), and then click Display to show a list of active resources in all the groupings that have been configured for the selected category.
- Select a specific grouping from the field, and then click Display to show a list of all active resources in the grouping.
- Click Export.
A Save As dialog opens. The export file is named Pricing.xls by default. You can edit the name of the export file.
- Save the file.
An Export Report success message opens.
- Do one of the following:
- Click Yes to open the export file in Microsoft Excel.
- Click No to close the message.
- Repeat Step 4 through Step 8 for each rate schedule and/or grouping for which you are exporting the information.
- After you export the pricing information for a resource, click Close.