The Everyday User Reservation Browser
You can use the Everyday User Reservations Browser to search at a very detailed level for reservations, bookings, service orders, resources, everyday user reservations, and pre-defined queries. The results are listed in a calendar view. You can perform a basic search or an advanced search:
- In a basic search, you specify basic information for a reservation when you first create it, such as the starting time, the end time, the group for which the event was scheduled, the group contact name, and so on.
- An advanced search is a field-level search that is carried out at the reservation level, the booking level, the booking detail level, the booking detail item level, or any combination of these. For example, in an advanced search, you can specify criteria as granular as who added a specific booking detail item.
Learn to Search with the Everyday User Reservations Browser.

The Everyday User Reservations searching tool is identical to the Everyday User Reservations Browser searching tool with one exception: when the Everyday User Reservations Browser opens for the first time, the Browse For function is set to all Reservations in your organization's database, whereas the Everyday User Reservation tool is set to show only Everyday User Reservations.