Users and Security

EMS Flex users who need to configure facilities or manage users must have appropriate permissions. These users can be added to security groups where you can set up permissions.

Set Authentication

Before getting started with EMS Flex, set up authentication through Accruent Central Authentication. You’ll receive setup instructions during the sales process.

An IT contact from your organization must give your identity provider (IDP) metadata to Accruent and add the Accruent service provider to your IDP.

After it’s setup, users who authenticate with your identity provider to EMS Flex are automatically created with access to space and room booking.


When users get added, they can access EMS Flex, create bookings, or be added to security groups.

If a user logs into EMS Flex first, an account gets created for that user. You can also manually create users.

  1. On the EMS Flex menu bar, click Configuration > Users & Security > Users.

  2. Click Create new.

  1. Enter the user name and email, then click Create.

Update or delete a user:

  1. Click Configuration > Users & Security > Users.

  2. In Users, click a name in the list.

  3. In Update user, do one of the following:

    • To update the user, enter the new information and click Update.

    • To delete the user, click Delete.

Security Groups

By default, your first administrator account and security group are created for you. You can also create new security groups and add permissions. For example, you might create a group for users that can modify facility configuration but not user configuration.

Create a security group and add users:

  1. On the EMS Flex menu bar, click Configuration > Users & Security > Security Groups.

  2. Click Create new.

  3. Enter the group name and description, then click Create.

  4. In the Security Group list click the group name.

  5. In Permissions, click Update.

  6. A list of permissions opens. Each permission provides the following:

    • bookings_admin – access to the reporting page and the ability to add or delete bookings on behalf of other users

    • facilities_admin – access to add, update, and delete facility information

    • users_admin – access to manage users and security

  1. Select each permission you want to add to the group and click Update.

  1. In Users, click Update.

    A list of users opens.

  1. Select each user you want to add to the group and click Update.

Remove a security group:

  1. In the Security Groups list, click a group name.

  2. On the group page, click Remove group.

Remove Permissions or Users from a Group

You can remove permissions or users from a group. For example, a group’s permissions might need to be changed or an employee might leave the company or change roles within the company.

Remove permissions from a group:

  1. Click Configuration > Users & Security > Security Groups.

  2. In the Security Group list click the group name.

  3. In Permissions, click Update.

    A list of permissions assigned to the security group opens.

  4. Clear each permission you want to remove from the group and click Update.

Remove users from a group:

  1. Click Configuration > Users & Security > Security Groups.

  2. In the Security Group list click the group name from which you want to remove users.

  3. In Users, click Update.

    A list of users assigned to the security group opens.

  1. Clear each user you want to remove from the group and click Update.