Site Events

Site events are used to group a number of work orders together for a particular reason, such as a mini project, an insurance claim, or for tracking purposes.

One example where this functionality could be used would be storm damage that effected several assets. Once an event was created within the site, the user would then be able to link work orders to the "storm damage" site event and at the end of the event have a total picture of what was necessary to repair the damage.

Navigation: Sites > Site Events.

Create a site event

By selecting the New (Add Site Event) button, the user is able to define a new event.

Fields on the Site Event Detail page

  • Site Name: (Required) Choose Site pop-up window will appear, displaying a list of sites from which to select

  • Event Type: (Required) Event Type a drop-down selector will appear, displaying a list of event types from which to select

  • Name/Title/Number: (Required) Site event name

  • Event Description: (Optional) Allows user to specify more information

  • Automatic Dates: (Required) Options of Yes or No. If "Yes," the start and end dates are automatically populated based on the linked WOs associated with the site event

  • Event Start Date: (Required) The start date of the site event

  • Event End Date: (Required) The end date of the site event

  • Event Status: Indicates whether the event is Active or Inactive

Clicking Save will produce a new event to which work orders can be linked to by using the Link To Site Event functionality.

Work orders that are linked to site events will be visible in the Links tab on the WO Summary page and also from the Site Event page.

In addition, you can view site events by individual sites. This is achieved by selecting a site name and navigating to the Site Events page. The functionality is the same as described above with the exception that when a new site event is raised, the user will not need to fill in the Site field.

Configuration of functionality

The ability to create a site event is configurable by role.

The ability to link a WO to a site event is configurable by role.

In addition to linking work orders to site events, work orders can be linked to each other.